Fistful of Sound

Fistful of Sound is a soundboard app for Android devices, featuring all the voice command sounds from the free to play Steam game Fistful Of Frags.
Here is a link to download the app: Get Fistful of Sound!
Scroll down for instructions on how to install the app if you are not already familiar with how.

Information on the permissions it asks for:
It asks for Internet permissions because it's a PhoneGap/Cordova app, meaning it's a web app wrapped in an Android native shell.
It uses WebView to display everything, which requires Internet permissions. There's no actual communication across the internet going on.

It asks for Audio permissions because, well, it has to have it to pass the whiskey.

Click here to visit the bitbucket GIT repo for this project.



Voice acting provided by:Michael 'nifty koala' Phillips
Fistful of Frags game created by:Many People ;-)
Fistful of Sound app created by:o0Elise